Online Health and Wellness Consultations
Tele-health online consultations are designed to give you access to a professional that can help you safeguard your wellness and health.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention define wellness as "the degree to which one feels positive and enthusiastic about life". Wellness coaching is a process that facilitates healthy, sustainable behavior change by challenging a client to develop their inner wisdom, identify their values, and transform their goals into actions. Wellness coaching draws on the principles from positive psychology and appreciative inquiry, and the practices of motivational interviewing and goal setting.
How the Process Works
“Health is the new wealth!” ― Kierra C.T. Banks
Tele-health Consultation
You will receive a link in your email inbox, that gives access to your meeting and a calendar reminder. At the time of your scheduled meeting, simply click the link and you will be put in contact with a nurse ready to jump start your healthcare routine the natural way!
Choose an option below to get started
Our Mission & Focus
We teach the restoration of health through the use of diet & lifestyle and help you gain a better understanding of the connection of diet to the mind & spirituality.
As you eat more healthfully, you will become clearer in mind and be able to walk in a relationship with God.
Registering with "In My Garden Health", will allow you to get the most up to date content available regarding Supplements, Herbs, and Wellness practices. Fill out the form to join our team!
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You'll be the first to know about NEW product releases, and specialty seasonal sales. Also, enjoy our mailing list that keeps you connected to the holistic and herbal health world in a way you wouldn't believe.
Make today the day that you take over your health for good!
I'm passionate about advocating health & wellness. As a professional, I want to empower and support others in their journey. When we take part in cleansing ourselves from the inside out, we can look and feel our best.