Immune Booster set


This Immune Booster set includes Natural Supplements and herbal products that will transform your health and boost your immune system immediately! Products can be purchased individually or as a part of the Full set of immune-boosting supplements.

This set includes the following supplements:

  • Vitamin C – (Ascorbic Acid Powder) Immune System Response
  • Liquid PPE – Throat Spray (immune support)
  • Green Magic – Herbal blend relieving pain, cold & flu symptoms
  • Herbal Fresh Spray – Anti-Viral Air Sanitizer (2oz)
  • Cough no More Extract – Immune and respiratory system support
  • Taint no Flu Extract – Reduces Flu Duration

virus care - immune boosting supplements Professional suggestion holds that some form of Immune Boosting Supplements should be taken regularly to maintain a healthy defense system. These suggestions mainly focus on PREVENTION. Products displayed here are or should be the basis of all you do.

Our Immune Boosting Supplements have highly concentrated ingredients that will keep you protected during the cold/flu season and throughout the year. It is VERY IMPORTANT to pay attention to your body. The SOONER you begin to act when you have symptoms, the better.


This set includes:

  • Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid Powder)
        • Healthy Immune System Response
          Supports Cellular Functions in the Immune System
        • Antioxidant Properties
          A natural antioxidant that promotes a healthy immune system
      • Metabolism Support
        Required for amino acid metabolism
  • Liquid PPE

      • This product is packaged at 2oz, making this the perfect pocket-sized protection. Stay protected this flu season, and don’t leave home without your liquid PPE!


  • Green Magic

      • Green magic is an herbal blend developed during a time of illness that included pain, fatigue, lethargy, and cold and flu symptoms. This product helps to relieve those symptoms.*


  • Herbal Fresh Spray

      • Anti-Viral Air Sanitizer (2oz)
        This special air sanitizer fights airborne germs and eliminates odors. This sanitizer has been developed to combat airborne bacteria and germs in hospitals. The clinically proven formula is useful in eliminating offensive odors and not just masking them but also neutralizing them. This natural blend is especially effective in eliminating smoke odors while killing the bacteria that cause the odor.


  • Cough no More Extract

      • This is more than a simple cough syrup. These herbs help to support the immune system and respiratory system. It has expectorant, soothing, calming, and respiratory effects. It addresses many of the symptoms of colds and flu.*


  • Taint no Flu Extract

      • Elderberry has health benefits that naturally improve colds, flu, sinus, nerve pain, inflammation, allergies, and even cancer. When used within the first 48 hours of symptoms, it reduces the flu’s duration, with symptoms being relieved on an average of four days earlier. Elderberry is higher in flavonoids than blueberries, cranberries, goji berries, and blackberries.*
Products included

Full Immune Boosting Pack, Green Magic, Vitamin C (powder), Cough no more Extract, Taint no Flu Extract, Liquid PPE, Herbal Fresh Spray


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