Sugar Crush Flush – Parasite Cleanse Program


Does sugar light you up like a Christmas tree? Never seen a cookie, cake or pie you could say no to? You just may have intestinal parasites or a candida condition that needs to be treated. The Sugar Crush Flush Parasite Cleanse Program contains a blend of herbs and a low sugar meal plan that will help you kick those sugar (and carb) cravings in the butt. You can expect more energy, better looking skin and weight loss as you snatch your nutrition back from the grubby “hands” of those parasites!

This program focuses on 100% plant-based whole foods that are also low sugar allowing the herbs to fully cleanse the body of possible parasites and eliminate those pesky sugar cravings.

Note: You will receive a digital product (PDF file) immediately after purchase (your meal plan). Herbs will be shipped separately within 48-72 hours.

The Sugar Crush Flush Parasite Cleanse Program provides the following:

  • 3 week meal plan with low sugar plant-based foods, full recipes and shopping list
  • 21 day supply of herbs specifically formulated to reduce yeast/candida in the body thereby reducing sugar cravings

By completing this program you should experience the following results:

  • Lower appetite
  • Less sugar cravings
  • Weight loss
  • Increased energy and vitality
  • Better looking skin
  • More restful sleeping

Herbs included in this program are:

Black walnut: Anti-parasitic, strengthens cells, promotes tissue healing, strengthens and stimulates the immune system

Wormwood: A top herb for parasites (larger parasites like flukes and worms), good for debilitated conditions, jaundice and liver conditions, antiseptic, nerve tonic, gout and rheumatism.

Oregano: helps treat diabetes, cancer and osteoporosis, antibacterial, ant-inflammatory, intestinal parasites

Olive leaf: diuretic for hypertension, supports diabetes,

Thyme: treats respiratory disorders, reduces inflammation, treats athletes foot.

Garlic: Blood cleanser, antiseptic, antiparasitic, Immune enhancer, stimulates liver and gallbladder, great for yeast infections, good for intestinal parasites

Chanca piedra: break and expel kidney and gallstones

Clove: antiseptic, antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial, spasmodic, and local anesthetic

Berberine: lowers cholesterol, increases metabolism, improves digestion, protects and supports liver, pancreas, and kidney function

OTHER INGREDIENTS: Grain alcohol 90%, Kosher vegetable glycerin, Distilled water

GI (colon) herbs may also be included to help the body eliminate the waste created by the cleanse.


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